What Happens After a Brand Refresh? EW&L Wealth Case Study

What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Which marketer doesn’t love a good case study?
We’ve started to share on some of our bigger client projects lately, and as you can imagine, people regularly want to know what happens after the brand refresh is done. Secondly, they want to know how we continue to support our clients, and that’s a fair enough question.
This is the story of our wealth services client Emanuel Whybourne & Loehr (or EW&L Wealth), a firm that has gone from strength to strength after our initial brand refresh. These guys are a fine example of the importance of actioning your strategy, and constantly looking to improve.
Before we dive in, it’s important to note that EW&L face stiff competition in a market with a very high level of client expectation and significant competition from both local and global wealth firms.
So, let’s take a look.
The Background
EW&L are a wealth management firm with offices in Brisbane and Sydney. The team is led by partners who have decades of experience with leading Australian and Global financial services companies. EW&L service high net-worth clients all around Australia.
The team are incredibly fast learners, and their story is a great example of a firm that thinks ahead and isn’t afraid of taking action.
In late 2022 (barely 18 months post launch), the team recognised they needed help on focusing their brand and marketing strategy over time to help achieve their goals. They had significant ambition to help clients, a team full of incredibly talented and experienced people and recognised that they could benefit from outside advice on the direction of the brand and their marketing options.
Enter Beyond Billables.
Methodology - What we did (and continue to do)
Over the course of the last two years, we have -
- Created a detailed brand and marketing strategy, focused on growing brand awareness and helping EW&L better convert potential clients.
- Refreshed brand design and brand assets through a comprehensive design update. This included logo, colour and design.
- Designed and built a brand new website that better represented their quality and their key messages.
- Designed and completed small and large marketing materials, including capability statements, pitches, presentations, event invitations, webinars and newsletters.
- Assisted in ideating and then launching The Exchange Podcast, including ongoing marketing and design.
- Assisted with ongoing monthly content and social media support including video creation, social media copy and design.
- Created and still continue to manage the two company newsletters, to better share EW&L content and build community with existing clients and relationships.

At each step we provided ongoing strategic marketing and branding support including advising on advertising, outbound marketing and events to continue to support their growth. We meet every 6 months, review what is working and proactively focus on the team's goals ahead.
The Results
Our aim from the outset was to ensure that EW&L not only competed with, but outperformed much bigger brands and rivals.
Some highlighted results:
- Consistently great client feedback highlighting the polish and professionalism of their website, branding and messaging.
- Launch ofThe Exchange Podcast, interviewing over 50 leading finance professionals around the world. This greatly increased the brand's footprint and relationships, creating a long term content asset.
- Significant follower growth on LinkedIn company page and individual profiles and outstanding organic post engagement.
- New LinkedIn newsletter with consistent subscriber growth (over 500 in the first 6 months).
- Increased quality inbound leads and conversions.
- Better ongoing client relationships and community around their brand.

Where to next?
The team at EW&L have done the hard yards investing in their brand and have seen some remarkable growth on that basis. In the coming years they will continue to grow and continue to build better client relationships and a bigger brand presence. No doubt they will continue to dynamically embrace new opportunities while investing in the long term value of their brand.
Of course, we hope to continue to help the team achieve these.
Are you looking to achieve similar results with a brand refresh? Drop us a line today via the contact form on our website, we'd love to chat.