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How the FIFA Women's World Cup Rebrand is Attracting Viewers

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We know this is a bold statement, but the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup is shaping up to be one of the most exciting and successful events in the history of women's sport. The tournament has already seen record-breaking viewership ‚and honestly, a big kudos must go to the new, bold and confident branding that FIFA has created.

The branding for the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup is centred around the pillars of bright colour and maximalism. The logo for the tournament is a vibrant explosion, with 32 squares representing the 32 participating teams. The colours are distinct and eye-catching, perfectly capturing the energy and excitement of the tournament.

Trending, maximalist design elements are featured; a statement that nods to the diversity and creativity of women's football. Maximalism as a design style is all about embracing excess and ornamentation, making it a perfect choice for the brand. In essence, it celebrates the unique talents and personalities of the women who make the tournament what it is.

The refreshed branding direction FIFA Women's World Cup is a bold and confident statement about the power of women's football. It is a clear message that women's football is not just for the sidelines anymore. It's a growing global phenomenon, deserving of attention and celebration.

How Colour and Maximalism Actually Helps to Attract Viewers

The use of colour and maximalism in the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup branding is helping to attract viewers in a number of ways. Obviously, the bright and vibrant colours are simply eye-catching. They make people stop and take notice, which is exactly what FIFA wants them to do.

But beyond that, the maximalist design elements incorporate motifs and colours currently trending in women’s fashion and online spaces. Suddenly, a women's sport has a distinctly different feel to its male counterpart. This helps the branding draw in the viewership it is looking for, and to reach a whole new audience. People will remember it.

The Impact of the Branding on Viewership

We hear you asking, can branding really do that?‚

Resoundingly, yes.

The branding for the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup has already had a significant impact on viewership. This year, the tournament has already seen record-breaking numbers, and it is only just getting started.

In the US, citizens have displayed a never-before-seen appetite for women's soccer, particularly when it involves the US Women's National Team who averaged more than six million viewers during their win against Vietnam; with 5 million of those tuning in on Fox alone.

Similarly here on home turf, the Matildas opening game against Ireland drew in an audience of 4.88 million viewers on Channel 7 ‚ making it the most-watched program of the night by a considerable margin.

Make no mistake. The tenfold improvement on brand awareness for the tournament has played a major role in this success.

The Future of Women's Football

The success of the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup is a sign that women's football is on the rise.  It is a celebration of women's capabilities and comradery. The branding for the tournament perfectly captures the excitement and energy of the event, and it is helping to attract new fans from all over the world.

As women's football continues to grow, we can expect to see even more innovative and eye-catching branding. The future of women's football is bright, and the branding for the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup is simply a sign of things to come.

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